Friday, April 24, 2015

Thoughts for today...

I'm sure no one will be reading this, I'm ok with that. I just have had these thoughts rolling around in my mind this morning and feel like the Lord is leading me to share. 

This morning has been quiet around here. It's been a crazy busy week and in a little while I will be out running errands to get ready for our Mazie girl's dance. Yep!  Dance. Pre-K dance. A "Groovy Dance". ✌️ FYI....I did the best I could to find a dress to turn our 5 year old sweetheart into a flower power princess. I succeeded. She adores her dress. She has major plans of dancing the night away until midnight (8pm) with her Daddy. Her Daddy, who is not feeling well with a cold but is resting up so he can take that sweet girl to her dance anyway. He still makes my heart melt!

Anyway, that's not what I've had on my mind to see before the hustle and bustle of this day/night begins I've been doing laundry (confession, we did not have 1 clean towel left in this house), straightening up, etc......joyfully. I do have to admit to you I don't mind cleaning, I actually enjoy it. That's not why I'm doing it joyfully though.  You see ladies, one of the many ways we can serve God, is by serving our family. Have I ever grumbled and complained about laundry or housework? YES! Will I ever again? I'm sure! 

One day I was talking to our kids about serving God. Mazie spoke up and said "We should serve him with gladness, not madness" oh, how right that girl was! Instant conviction.  This morning, I have been thinking about service to the Lord and thought about how many times have I served Him and complained about it? Man, talking about a rotten aroma! Geesh, I bet God was like......Yeah thanks Leigh Ann, but no thanks. We have to remember that we are replaceable. If God wants something done and He calls upon us to do it and we say no or not right now.....Guess what? That doesn't mean it won't get done. He can call upon someone else to get the mission accomplished. Someone who will do it gladly and immediately. 

Washing clothes? Serve Him with gladness.

Cooking supper? Serve Him with gladness.

Preaching? Serve Him with gladness.

Cleaning the church? Serve Him with gladness.

Teaching Sunday School? Serve Him with gladness.

Not madness. 

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